There’s something to say (see Anne Lamott) for getting to “the
end” and doing the worrying later. That way you have a completed draft behind
There’s also something to say for avoiding what ultimately seems
so discouraging or despicable that revision resembles cleaning out the Augean
Finally, there’s something best of all to say for choosing
something in-between. Why write chapters without scene goals, paragraphs
without focal points, and sentences so tortured that even the author can’t
decipher the meaning? Why compose an entire whole novel in passive voice while repeating,
dragging out, and “telling”? Nor would it help to write so sloooowly that you
lose all faith in what originally motivated you. What can you do instead?
~ Make a plan.
This might be a scene goal outline, a storyboard where you
write whatever scene turns you on that day, character arcs for everyone
important, or even an old-fashioned outline. It doesn’t matter what plan you
choose or whether you later change it radically. It only exists to help you produce
prose neither ghastly nor too polished for your first stab.
~ Keep a schedule.
Life, as they say, happens. Accidents, birthdays, trouble
coming in threes, flu, migraine, date night, and so on. Why pretend that you
won’t have dozens of reasons to prevent churning out pages? Create a
reasonable, realistic commitment, i.e. x hours a week or y hours a day. Then
you won’t have to pretend.
~ Advance both the plot and the number of pages.
It won’t help to have thirty exquisite pages if they’re all
you’ll have for the next few years. If your time is precious, don’t squander it
reworking material that you’ll change after you know your characters and their
journey—because your first draft is done. Don’t proceed as if you know nothing about how
novels work. Also don’t proceed as if you must immediately accomplish everything
you know about how novels work.
~ Follow the dream.
Write this book because you love it. If you don’t, maybe you’d
rather find a better day job instead. Feed the dream. Don’t starve it by
worrying about everything you’ll have to fix. Productivity and passion blend
beautifully. Negativity and passion do not.
~ Decide what a strong first draft means to you.
If you can define that without rationalizing, you’ll know
just what you need, how much revising you should do right now, how much later. Only
you know how good is “good enough.” Set the standard. Follow it, even if you’re
having a wildly bad—or good—day.
Tip: You know
your process better than anyone. Honor it, but get the first draft done.