Not to be fractious, but isn’t grammar even more trivial
than fractions? After all, fractions help you cope with 3/8 teaspoon of baking
soda when doubling or halving your muffin recipe. Far more practical than cringing
over offering guests less or fewer muffins. Readers are a novelist’s guests,
and many simply couldn’t (or the inaccurate “could”?) care less. For many people,
grammar evokes the nightmarish high school memory of diagramming sentences.
Admittedly, diagramming sentence won’t polish your prose. Still,
the impracticality of that exercise doesn’t justify discarding the elegant
system that grammar represents. Even if diagramming sentences won’t improve your
novel, grammar certainly might.
Here’s why.
~Perfect pitch.
Some folks lack it with language,
just as others do with music. You wouldn’t inflict your off-key singing on a
bunch of strangers, would you? Between “you and I” (sic!), consider protecting
your readers from sounds that make them cringe. If the reader’s cringing, the
reading’s not much fun.
~ Hierarchy.
Subordinate (“however, “but,” “if,”
etc.) or coordinate (“and,” “also,” etc.) words indicate significance. Seemingly
trivial word choices convey that some things are equal and others not. Intentionally
or not, the clauses you create express relationships—including run-on sentences.
Subordination captures causality at the sentence level: if the protagonist does
this, then that happens. Doesn’t that deserve your attention? And your reader’s?
~ Syntax.
Grammar sensitizes you to what your
sentence underscores. Aside from distance and wordiness, the real problem with
passive voice is misplaced emphasis. If the bat is used by the girl, don’t you
imply that the bat matters more than she does? Relationships between words
(grammar!) accentuate or minimize. Noticing parts of speech encourages greater reliance
on verbs instead of (yikes!) modifying everything with (sad) adjectives or
adverbs (sadly).
~ Parallelism.
Though part of syntax, this construction
deserves separate mention. Grammar reveals whether you’ve missed an opportunity
to connect, echo, and create unforgettable patterns. After all, what if Lincoln
had said, “The government that represents the people, which is the one they help
to run and is thus capable of giving them what is needed… “shall not perish
from the earth.”
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