How good can a good protagonist really be? In a recent N.Y. Times
“Bookends,” Thomas Mallon rightly observed that, “No one has ever preferred
Amelia to Becky Sharp in Vanity Fair,
or Melanie to Scarlett in Gone with the
Tip: Perfectly
good is perfectly—boring.
Good protagonists must be morally sound, but definitely troubled and
definitely rebellious about constraint. Too selfish makes them unpalatable. But
too perfect and they swiftly become at best uninteresting and at worst mildly
self-righteous. To inspire and excite, protagonists need to get going with
enough oomph to offer:
~ Fire.
might be the main ingredient. A good protagonist has a great deal to gain or lose.
Passion makes people care enough to act, screw up, and have another go. That
journey makes fiction fiction.
~ Arc.
your character starts perfect, where can she go? The fun of fiction is watching
someone conquer something, whether that’s the snotty guy with the huge estate (Pride and Prejudice), the power of death (The
Fault in Our Stars), the mystery of the genetic code (The Gold Bug Variations),
anyone who opposes the Borgias (Blood and
Beauty), or an early crop of crooked bankers and lawyers (A Conspiracy of Paper).
~ Voice.
in first person, the protagonist must be charming, funny, dramatic, and mysterious.
Something very much out of the ordinary. Often someone with passionate
opinions, but a nice sense of humor about them.
~ Desire.
needn’t be sensual, just a motivation for action. Too much politeness, modesty,
resignation, even stoicism can be unappetizing. If you think everyone and
everything is fine, you won’t take many risks. This might be a terrific way to
live. Just not in a novel.
~ Credibility.
a friend recently said, we’re all “emerging.” Anyone delighted with his or her “goodness”
is too arrogant (and naïve and misinformed) to really be that good. Real people
are flawed people. Preferably a bit honest about it. This goes for
protagonists, too.
~ Inconsistent
another way to spell “credibility.” If your protagonist has a weakness (and
your protagonist must), then this might generate a succession of similar mistakes.
But if your protagonist always repeats exactly the same mistake, or never makes
one at all, readers won’t believe, won’t care, or both.
~ Resolution.
people can be very accepting, very forgiving, very tolerant—very lovely to be
around but not to read about. Protagonists judge and act. That’s the source of
A good protagonist is one who’s good enough—and no better.