Writers and
readers don’t necessarily experience fiction the same way. Novelists usually love the set up, where they
got the idea in the first place! Ah, the climax. It aptly rewards or disciplines,
restoring moral order and communicating theme. Not to mention the relief of
typing “The End.”
might disagree. Because the characters are still unfamiliar, the stakes must be
swiftly and enormously high. Theme is enjoyable only if subtle, credible, and
deserved. If readers love a book, they rarely want it to end. Hard to say goodbye. The next novel might be less appealing. Many readers, then, favor the middle. There the conflict escalates,
the characters breathe. Choices surprise, while events seem motivated yet
Perhaps the
middle causes more trouble for you than your characters. What’s the strategy?
the inciting incident.
Start with a symbolic Big Bang. An explosion
like that will organically engender a chain of events that force your
protagonist to learn the requisite lessons for a happy ending. Deliver the inciting
incident immediately, and choose one you needn’t explain.
~ Look
Be willing to discard your homework. Why does
the protagonist hold grudges, despise autumn, or refuse to own a poodle? It’s
great for the writer to know all of this backstory —and more. Just so the
reader needn’t endure what amounts to someone else’s notes.
~ Explore
plot templates.
The web offers numerous reminders of what the mid-section must accomplish. Among the
best choices? Christopher Vogler’s The Writer’s
Journey or Randy Ingermanson’s Snowflake Method. Pick a recipe that suits
you, and use it flexibly rather than dogmatically.
~ Streamline.
At the first sign of a sagging middle, the
average novelist rushes to fill the gap, usually by reaching wide instead of
deep. Rather than adding new subplots or minor characters, focus on what’s
already there. Intensify and intertwine. Too many ingredients spoil the soup.
~ Fall in
love with how your protagonist earns the ending.
If you’ve done your job right, your main
character worked as hard as a team of dogs to enjoy that happiness, victory, or
moral triumph. As Ursula K. Le Guin observed, “It is good to have an end to
journey toward, but it is the journey that matters in the end.”